Forums - Layer parameter value is invalid in DSP

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Layer parameter value is invalid in DSP
Join Date: 15 Jun 17
Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 2017-08-22 02:01

Hi there,

I am trying to run a container, which is converted by a tensorflow version yolo weight file, on DSP with example demo snpe-net-run-udl, but it reports error log below:

error_code=902; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid in DSP. Layer MobileNet/conv_ds_3/pointwise_conv/convolution: Convolution parameters not supported for DSP runtime.  Parameters: 208x208x64 input dims, 104x104x128 output dims, 0x0 padding, 1x1 stride, 1x1 kernel, 1x1 dilation, 128 filters, 1 group.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=223; thread_id=-396294856

The container file runs perfectly on CPU and GPU.

The error message says the layer parameter value is invalid in DSP, but I don't know what's wrong with the parameters, and I have checked the limitations in SDK documentations, nothing is related to layer parameters.

Could you please provide the details about layer parameter specification?

Thank you very much.

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Join Date: 6 Sep 17
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2018-05-24 03:19

Hi DamonZhou,


Did you solved this problem ?

I am also facing this issue with my model, it works fine with CPU and GPU but with DLC throws this error.

error_code=902; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid in DSP. Layer conv2d_5/convolution: Convolution parameters not supported for DSP runtime.  Parameters: 2x2x128 input dims, 1x1x2 output dims, 0x0 padding, 1x1 stride, 1x1 kernel, 1x1 dilation, 2 filters, 1 group.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=244; thread_id=-286317400


Can you please guide me with this?

Thanks in Advance,

Kshama Vete


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