Forums - Inceptionv3 retrained model fails to run on DSP

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Inceptionv3 retrained model fails to run on DSP
Join Date: 20 Mar 17
Posts: 12
Posted: Sun, 2017-08-20 23:48

Hi All,

I had retrianed inception v3 model in tensorflow.

i am successfully able to run the model on CPU and GPU.

But when i run on DSP i get the ERRor as reshape layer not supported which is also mentioned in the snpe docs.

i would like to know if anyone has tried running retrained model on DSP.

as retraining adds a reshape layer and fc layer



Thank and regards

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Join Date: 27 Oct 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2017-11-08 00:11

Hello sir,

I have a question so did you load your trained model in the android app ?

I followed the instruction from the Getting started guide and sucessfully run the demo program but There is no further instruction on how to load the dlc file using Java to run in the actual board ? Would you mind sharing your method step by step ? I am very appreciated !!! 

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