Forums - APQ8096 DSP Runtime Unavailable

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APQ8096 DSP Runtime Unavailable
Asaku Chen
Join Date: 16 Aug 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2017-08-18 01:34


I followed the document to run SNPE
Example Tutorials -> Running Nets -> TensorFlow Inception v3

Running on Android using CPU Runtime
Although there are some errors in logcat, but works fine.
Model String: N/A
SNPE v1.2.2.0
Processing DNN Input: frame_43.bin

adb logcat -s adsprpc
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of main
01-01 00:07:57.924  3622  3622 E adsprpc : vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:171::error: -5: 0 == (nErr = dlerr)
01-01 00:07:57.924  3622  3622 D adsprpc : vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:174: dlopen error: snpe_dsp cannot find file or invalid file descriptor: fd=:-1

Running on Android using DSP Runtime
DSP runtime isn't available
The selected runtime is not available on this platform. Continue anyway to observe the failure at network creation time.
error_code=101; error_message=Invalid parameter in user config. Attempted to set a neural network configuration option DSP that is not supported on this platform.;
error_component=System Configuration; line_no=86; thread_id=-142763212

I checked adsprpcd:
ps | grep adsprpcd
media     718   1     8372   1256  poll_sched 7fa58c9454 S /system/bin/adsprpcd

logcat -s adsprpc
01-01 00:10:30.475  3749  3749 E adsprpc : vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:171::error: -5: 0 == (nErr = dlerr)
01-01 00:10:30.475  3749  3749 D adsprpc : vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:174: dlopen error: snpe_dsp cannot find file or invalid file descriptor: fd=:-1


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Join Date: 20 Feb 18
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2018-04-19 09:43

Posting this to bring the topic up.

I am having the same issue:


04-19 18:19:03.959 27060 27093 E adsprpc : vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:171::error: -5: 0 == (nErr = dlerr)
04-19 18:19:03.959 27060 27093 D adsprpc : vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:174: dlopen error: snpe_dsp cannot find file or invalid file descriptor: fd=:-1


Does anyone know how to solve it?

SNPE version used in my installation is 1.8.0


UPD: the ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH is being set to a proper value in this way:


bool setAdspLibraryPath() {
return setenv("ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH",

                  1 /*override*/) == 0


, where /data/dsp contains the skel shared object (as advised in the documentation).


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