Forums - on Ubuntu 16.04 with GPU

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on Ubuntu 16.04 with GPU
Join Date: 25 Jul 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2017-07-28 04:18



Isn't it possible to run the installation of SNPE and conversion to DLC model on Ubuntu 16.04 native installtion(without VM) with GPU support?

Any pointer would be appreciated.

Thanks !!



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Join Date: 26 Jul 17
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Posts: 22
Posted: Fri, 2017-07-28 14:09

Hi Pratik,

Thank you for your interest in Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine.

SNPE library is designed to run on Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. The SDK tools were tested to run on Ubuntu 14.04, but will probably run on 16.04 as well, however we did not test it. Regarding Caffe / TensorFlow installation on 16.04, please refer to the relevant installation pages (See "Getting Started -> System Requirements").

Can you further explain what do you mean by "with GPU support" ? are you referring to the SDK converters or to the library itself ?


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