Forums - How to compile AOSP with qcom proprietary code

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How to compile AOSP with qcom proprietary code
Join Date: 9 Aug 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2021-08-28 10:13


Sorry for such simple question but I am stuck for days. I want to build AOSP with qcom proprietary code but fail. Here is what I do:

1. download qcom proprietary code from, what I download is MSM8996.LA.2.0.1 distribution Post-CS

2. unzip the file, then run from LINUX/android folder

3. after AOSP code is downloaded, I run ./ msm8996

4. build fails after 1 minute with following error:

cp: cannot stat 'vendor/qcom/proprietary/qrdplus/Global/Regional/VietnamOpenMarket/system/audio/ringtones/*.mp3': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'vendor/qcom/proprietary/qrdplus/Global/Regional/VietnamOpenMarket/system/audio/ui/*.ogg': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'vendor/qcom/proprietary/qrdplus/Global/Regional/VietnamOpenMarket/system/boot/*.wav': No such file or directory
including ./vendor/qcom/proprietary/qrdplus/globalization/engine/ ...
including ./vendor/qcom/proprietary/qrdplus/globalization/vendor-IME/ ...
including ./vendor/qcom/proprietary/qrdplus/prebuilt/ ...
build/core/ *** vendor/qcom/proprietary/qrdplus/prebuilt/target/product/msm8996: MODULE.TARGET.DATA.evt-sniff.cfg already defined by vendor/qcom/proprietary/prebuilt_HY11/target/product/msm8996.
make: *** [build/core/ out/] Error 1
Are my steps wrong? If so what is the right procedure to build android with proprietary code?
Thanks for any help!
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Join Date: 6 Dec 21
Posts: 27
Posted: Sun, 2021-12-19 18:26


 Could you try to copy the vendor/qcom/proprietary/* manually from chipcode zip file to opensource path?

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Join Date: 2 Feb 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2024-02-02 07:36


I am currently working on a project that requires compiling Qualcomm proprietary code for an sdm845 device in AOSP. Despite following available instructions, I am encountering difficulties during the compilation process.

I am reaching out to seek guidance or additional resources that could assist me in successfully compiling the code for this specific device. Could you direct me to any documents, guides, or contacts that might help me ?

Additionally, I would appreciate guidance on the recommended path to place the Qualcomm source code to ensure successful compilation.

Thank you very much for your assistance and support in this process

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