Forums - SNPE UDO issue

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SNPE UDO issue
Join Date: 5 Jan 24
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2024-01-07 19:05

Hi, I use snpe-onnx-to-dlc to convert my .onnx model to .dlc model with udo, I follow the usage of snpe-onnx-to-dlc in the

snpe-onnx-to-dlc -i <input-onnx-model>

                 --udo_config_paths <input-model.json>
                 -o <output-model.dlc>

ButI got the ERROR below:

RuntimeError: inferOutputShapes: Please provide the op package library
2024-01-08 10:58:08,782 - 230 - ERROR - Node Range_2682: inferOutputShapes: Please provide the op package library
what should I provide here?  I try --op_package_lib, --converter_op_package_lib with the .so library generated by complilation, but it doesn't work. Any suggestion will help. Thanks in advance.
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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 65
Posted: Tue, 2024-01-23 23:07


May I know for which op you are written UDO file.

Maximum for doing conversion using onnx, they will be no issues... And also can you share the command you have tried.


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Join Date: 29 Jan 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2024-03-22 03:26
Hi, I have exactly the same problem.
The operation is Softplus
This is the information about the Softplus operation opened with
type : Softplus
module : ai.onnx v1
name : /seed_bin_regressor/_net/_net.3/Softplus
X : name: /seed_bin_regressor/_net/_net.2/Conv_output_0
Y : name: /seed_bin_regressor/_net/_net.3/Softplus_output_0
This is my Softplus.json file:
        "Operators": [
            "type": "Softplus",
                    {"name":"input", "per_core_data_types": {"CPU":"FLOAT_32", "GPU":"FLOAT_32", "DSP":"UINT_8"}}
                    {"name":"output", "per_core_data_types": {"CPU":"FLOAT_32", "GPU":"FLOAT_32", "DSP":"UINT_8"}}
                "core_types": ["CPU", "GPU", "DSP"],
                "dsp_arch_types": ["v73"]
        "UDO_PACKAGE_NAME": "SoftplusUdoPackage"
As well as the command I use:
--input_network Model/Midas_dept_test/midas_dpt_swin2_tiny_256.onnx 
--output_path Model/Midas_dept_test/midas_dpt_swin2_tiny_256_udo.dlc 
-d 'input' 1,3,256,256 
--udo_config_paths Udo/SoftplusUdoPackage/config/Softplus.json
2024-03-21 16:10:43,666 - 240 - WARNING - ONNX_CUSTOM_OP_INFER_SHAPES: Could not infer shapes for all model tensors. This may cause issues during conversion
2024-03-21 16:10:44,165 - 240 - WARNING - ONNX_CUSTOM_OP_INFER_SHAPES: Could not infer shapes for all model tensors. This may cause issues during conversion
2024-03-21 16:10:44,662 - 240 - WARNING - ONNX_CUSTOM_OP_INFER_SHAPES: Could not infer shapes for all model tensors. This may cause issues during conversion
2024-03-21 16:10:45,155 - 240 - WARNING - ONNX_CUSTOM_OP_INFER_SHAPES: Could not infer shapes for all model tensors. This may cause issues during conversion
2024-03-21 16:10:45,648 - 240 - WARNING - ONNX_CUSTOM_OP_INFER_SHAPES: Could not infer shapes for all model tensors. This may cause issues during conversion
2024-03-21 16:10:46,145 - 240 - WARNING - ONNX_CUSTOM_OP_INFER_SHAPES: Could not infer shapes for all model tensors. This may cause issues during conversion
2024-03-21 16:10:46,150 - 240 - WARNING - Can't simplify the model when custom ops or quantization overrides are specified, converting without simplification.
2024-03-21 16:10:46,196 - 240 - WARNING - Symbolic shape inference Failed. Exception: Onnxruntime package not found in current environment. Symbolic Shape Inference will be skipped.. Running normal shape inference.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/", line 355, in convert
    node = self.translations.apply_method_to_op(src_type,
  File "/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/", line 51, in apply_method_to_op
    return translation.apply_method(method_name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/", line 18, in apply_method
    return self.indexed_methods[method_name](*args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/", line 117, in add_op
    node = graph.add(op, input_names, output_names)
  File "/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/", line 791, in add
    output_shapes = op.infer_shape(input_shapes, input_axis_formats, len(output_names), self.src_axis_order)
  File "/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/", line 1295, in infer_shape
    return self.infer_shape_c_op_wrapper(input_shapes, input_axis_formats, num_outputs, axis_order)
  File "/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/", line 259, in infer_shape_c_op_wrapper
    return self.c_op.infer_output_shapes(AxisOrders.python_to_c_axis_orders(axis_order), num_outputs)
RuntimeError: inferOutputShapes: Please provide the op package library
2024-03-21 16:10:52,248 - 230 - ERROR - Node /seed_bin_regressor/_net/_net.3/Softplus: inferOutputShapes: Please provide the op package library
I also tryed this :
--input_network Model/Midas_dept_test/midas_dpt_swin2_tiny_256.onnx 
--output_path Model/Midas_dept_test/midas_dpt_swin2_tiny_256_udo.dlc 
-d 'input' 1,3,256,256 
--udo_config_paths Udo/SoftplusUdoPackage/config/Softplus.json 
--op_package_lib Udo/SoftplusUdoPackage/libs/x86-64_linux_clang/
same error.
Thanks in advance. do not hesitate to ask me for additional information.
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