Forums - Correct usage of DSP

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Correct usage of DSP
Join Date: 25 Sep 23
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2023-10-26 14:54


Currently I'm using SNPE to run my object detection models in a QRB5165 device. Right now, I'm able to run the AI model on CPU and GPU. However, when I try to run the following command:


root@qrb5165:~/dev# snpe-net-run --container model.dlc --input_list raw_list.txt --use_dsp


It throws the following error:

SNPEFactory error 918: Unable to open the skel file on DSP side. Error code: -28. rpc_error_code=0x80000406, line_no=390
The selected runtime is not available on this platform. Continue anyway to observe the failure at network creation time.
error_code=918; error_message=DSP file open error. Unable to open the skel file on DSP side. Error code: -28. rpc_error_code=0x80000406, line_no=390; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=446; thread_id=548086513680
error_code=918; error_message=DSP file open error. Unable to open the skel file on DSP side. Error code: -28. rpc_error_code=0x80000406, line_no=390; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=446; thread_id=548086513680
There's a step that must be followed to install any kind of SDK for DSP before working with it? Thanks in advance!


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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 65
Posted: Fri, 2023-10-27 00:30

To work on DSP runtime, You need to Quantize your model. And Setup the RB5 Environment by Exporting ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH for both ADSP and CDSP.
Follow the below given link:


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Join Date: 25 Sep 23
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2023-10-27 10:17

Hi, thanks for your response.

I tried to follow the steps above, but I don't have some of the folders. Example, it asks to export the following environment variable as follows:

export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH=";/system/lib/rfsa/adsp;/system/vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp;/dsp"

But, I dont't have this `lib` folder inside `/system`. I only have `/etc` and `rfs` inside `/system` folder.

However, I exported the variable with the path to the DSP as follows:

root@qrb5165:/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ pwd
root@qrb5165:/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ ls -la
total 5424
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Sep 26 17:32 .
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 Sep 26 17:32 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5484 Sep 26 17:32
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5537480 Sep 26 17:32

So my I exported it as follows:

export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/"

With this, I ran the following:

(env) root@qrb5165:~/development# snpe-platform-validator --runtime dsp
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->RuntimeCheck
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Setting up QnnBackend
/prj/qct/webtech_hyd/pcgbait/projects/zsnpe_waipio/avante-tools/prebuilt/dsp/hexagon-sdk-4.1.0/ipc/fastrpc/rpcmem/src/rpcmem_android.c:38:dummy call to rpcmem_init, rpcmem APIs will be used from libxdsprpc

And it gets stuck in this command and I can't even kill the process with `pkill`

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