Forums - Error: parallel snpe build failed.

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Error: parallel snpe build failed.
Join Date: 20 Sep 23
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2023-09-20 08:52

I'm trying to run snpe-parallel-run on a .dlc model to test throughput. I'm running it as follows - snpe-parallel-run --container model.dlc --input_list inputs.txt --output_dir ./outputs/output/ --perf_profile $MODE --cpu_fallback false --use_dsp - where $MODE variable stores the desired perf_profile mode. I manage to run the snpe-parallel-run command for burst, high_performance, and sustained_high_performance but not for balanced, default, power_saver, and system_settings perf_profiles. Running the command for the latter returns the parallel snpe build failed error.

Could you please help me with some advice on what could be causing this error?


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Join Date: 20 Sep 23
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2023-09-20 08:55

PS. I am using SNPE v2.13.0.230725130242_60412

The full error message:

Error: parallel snpe build failed.
error_code=14; error_message=C API call received bad argument. SNPE_ERRORCODE_CAPI_BAD_ARGUMENT; error_component=C API; line_no=0; thread_id=548540424224
/prj/qct/webtech_hyd/pcgbait/projects/zsnpe_waipio/avante-tools/prebuilt/dsp/hexagon-sdk-5.0.0_v73/ipc/fastrpc/rpcmem/src/rpcmem_android.c:42:dummy call to rpcmem_deinit, rpcmem APIs will be used from libxdsprpc


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Join Date: 2 Mar 23
Posts: 44
Posted: Sat, 2023-09-30 05:13

Dear developer,

What the device you used for the test? Is it sm8550?



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Join Date: 20 Sep 23
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2023-10-02 01:39

Hi  Yunxiang,

it's the sm8550 device, indeed!

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