Forums - Why does Size of input do not match network.

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Why does Size of input do not match network.
Join Date: 28 Aug 23
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 2023-09-17 19:37

Hi all,

I generated inception_v3_quantized.dlc model  and raw files, then I ran successfully on linux host and android target. However, when I run to test the benchmark performance, there are some errors as follow:

- ERROR - snpebm.snpebm_device: ['Failed to open input file: path to raw files', 'Size of input does not match network.', 'Expecting: 268203', 'Got: 0']
What's wrong ?
Version of SNPE: 2.13
Version of chip: snapdragon 778G
Model: inception_v3_quantized.dlc generated by
Someone told me addresses written in raw_list.txt were wrong.
But I checked my addresses written on raw_list.txt, but I didn't find any problem.
The srcipt was run under this address: $SNPE_ROOT/benchmarks/SNPE

One of the addresses written on raw_list.txt is as follow: $SNPE_ROOT/examples/Models/inception_v3/data/cropped/trash_bin.raw

I'm sure the raw file is there.

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Join Date: 28 Aug 23
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2023-09-21 05:09

Done. Delete folders before raw files. Change '$SNPE_ROOT/examples/Models/inception_v3/data/cropped/trash_bin.raw' to 'trash_bin.raw'.

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