Forums - Difference between outputs of Float32 and Float16 precision on QNN GPU and QNN HTP

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Difference between outputs of Float32 and Float16 precision on QNN GPU and QNN HTP
Join Date: 8 Sep 23
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2023-09-08 05:31

Dear Qualcomm Team,

Architecture: SM7450

QNN version:

I have a simple Conv2D tflite model, the architecture is Input -> Conv2D -> Output. The input and output are of the same shape which are (299, 299, 3). The Conv2D layer does not have any bias, and I assigned all of the kernel weights to 10.  

In order to check the precision, I create a dummy data which is a 299x299x3 tensor with values of 1.0. 

Command to generate FP32 model:

${QNN_SDK_ROOT}/bin/x86_64-linux-clang/qnn-tflite-converter --input_network test.tflite --input_dim "serving_default_input_1:0" 1,299,299,3 --output_path test.cpp


Command to generate FP16 model:

${QNN_SDK_ROOT}/bin/x86_64-linux-clang/qnn-tflite-converter --input_network test.tflite --input_dim "serving_default_input_1:0" 1,299,299,3 --float_bw 16 --output_path test.cpp
Then I generate .so files for FP16 and FP32 models respectively.
I pushed the .so files and dummy data to SM7450 phone.
Command to inference on phone:
./qnn-net-run --backend < or> --model < or> --input_list target_raw_list.txt
By using fp32 model on GPU and HTP, I managed to get result of 270, which is correct since the formula to calculate convolution result of one point is 10*3*3*1.0*3=270
However, result of fp16 model is close to zero, which is around 1e-27.
May I know is the above commands the correct way to generate FP16 model and doing inference? How could I solve this precision problem?




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Join Date: 27 Feb 23
Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 2023-09-08 11:10

Dear Chan, dear Qualcomm Team,

just wanted to highlight again that we are running into the same problem when using Float16 on the HTP - see my post from a few days ago.

Any help here would be highly appreciated!

Best regards,


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Join Date: 8 Sep 23
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Posted: Sun, 2023-09-10 19:09

Hi Manuel,

Are you using the same commands to convert model fo FP16 precision and inference?


Yi Xuan.

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Join Date: 27 Feb 23
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2023-09-11 10:03

Hi Yi Xuan,

Yes I use the same kind of command. My model is named differently of course, but the rest is the same otherwise.

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