Forums - Sign skel files

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Sign skel files
Join Date: 1 Aug 23
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2023-08-29 09:46


Where I can find how to sign skel files? I am trying to migrate to SNPE 2.10 and use DSP on my Android device. Before I used SNPE 1.59 and it work well.

But with SNPE 2.10 it doen't work, I received that I don't have DSP on my device. Here logs for running snpe-platform-validator tool for 1.59 and 2.10:

1. SNPE 1.59:

sdm845:/data/snpe-1.59 # ./bin/aarch64-android-clang6.0/snpe-platform-validator --runtime dsp --debug --coreVersion --libVersion --testRuntime                                                               
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->RuntimeCheck
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Testing for the support of DSP runtime.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Success in executing the sum function
Unit Test on the runtime DSP: Passed.
SNPE is supported for runtime DSP on the device.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Success in executing the sum function
Runtime DSP Prerequisites: Present.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->GetLibVersion
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: The fastRPC library version is not implemented yet.Library version of the runtime DSP: Not Found.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->GetCoreVersion
Core Version of the runtime DSP: Hexagon Architecture V65 

2. SNPE 2.10:

sdm845:/data/snpe-2.10 # ./bin/aarch64-android-clang8.0/snpe-platform-validator --runtime dsp --debug --coreVersion --libVersion --testRuntime  
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->RuntimeCheck
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Setting up QnnBackend
DspTransport.openSession qnn_open failed, 0xfffffffb
IDspTransport: Unknown rpc status 0xfffffffb
DspTransport failed,cannot open session, error 0xffffffff
DspTransport.openSession qnn_open failed, 0xfffffffb
IDspTransport: Unknown rpc status 0xfffffffb
DspTransport failed,cannot open session, error 0xffffffff
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Snpe-QNN backend initialization failed
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: -2 . Error while executing the sum function.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Please use testsig if using unsigned images.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Also make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH points to directory containing skels.
Unit Test on the runtime DSP: Failed.
SNPE is NOT supported for runtime DSP on the device.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: -2 . Error while executing the sum function.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Please use testsig if using unsigned images.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Also make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH points to directory containing skels.
Runtime DSP Prerequisites: Absent.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->GetLibVersion
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: The fastRPC library version is not implemented yet.Library version of the runtime DSP: Not Found.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->GetCoreVersion
Core Version of the runtime DSP: Hexagon Architecture V65 

Looks like it releted to that skel files in SNPE 2 is not signed by default, so how I can sign it? Thanks

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Join Date: 2 Mar 23
Posts: 44
Posted: Sat, 2023-09-02 12:11

Dear developer ,

You can use 'snpe-dlc-quantize  --htp_socs=your_platform --enable_htp' and then you can use 'snpe-net-run --use_dsp'.



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Join Date: 1 Aug 23
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2023-11-23 09:01

I can't generate cache for a SOC with a DSP architecture older than v68. I have SDM845.

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