Forums - how to get poky for installing GStreamer plug-in

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how to get poky for installing GStreamer plug-in
Join Date: 16 Aug 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2023-08-28 00:28


I am trying to install GStreamer plug-in so I am following below process

  1. Enable Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK distro feature.
    1. Add qti-snpe to the DISTRO_FEATURES_append list in the distro configuration file.
    2. Configuration file: poky/meta-qti-bsp/conf/distro/<distro>.conf
    3. Configuration: DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " qti-snpe"
  2. Add the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK package in the workspace.

    For example, if the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK folder name was snpe-x.y.z, rename it to snpe.The final directory structure should look similar to poky/meta-qti-ml-prop/recipes/snpe-sdk/files/snpe/.

    1. Download the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK package and unzip it.
    2. Go to poky/meta-qti-ml-prop/recipes/snpe-sdk/.
    3. Create a folder Files in this directory.
    4. Copy the unzipped Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK package folder to poky/meta-qti-ml-prop/recipes/snpe-sdk/files/.
    5. Rename the copied folder name to snpe.
  3. Rebuild the image and flash the image to the device.



I stucked at first step. I downloaded sdk version 2.13. and cloned the poky git but I am unable to find meta-qti-bsp in poky folder.

Should I install any packages to get this.
Git hub link for poky:
GitHub - yoctoproject/poky: Mirror of 

Thank you

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Join Date: 26 Aug 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2023-08-30 04:06

Even I'm facing the same probelm. qtimlsnpe module is missing from RB5.

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