Forums - Multiple inputs and outputs inference problem

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Multiple inputs and outputs inference problem
Join Date: 19 Jan 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2023-08-03 19:50
We have a problem when running a .dlc model with multiple inputs and outputs. We have followed the instruction However, we have this error
error_code=204; error_message=Couldn't find name. error_code=204; error_message=Couldn't find name. One or more specified output layers don't exist!; error_component=Dl System; line_no=1332; thread_id=140482258421504; error_component=Dl System; line_no=342; thread_id=140482294011904
And my input.txt file is:
#output_1 feature
query:=/snpe/Desktop/multi_input_dlc/data/test/query.raw support:=/snpe/Desktop/multi_input_dlc/data/test/support.raw
We have checked the names of inputs and outputs that are correct or not, but they both exist in our network.
In contrast, if we delete row "output_1 feature", the model will be able to run, but the result we receive is only one (expect 2). 
Do you have any documentation/example code showing how to resolve this problem that you can share with us? 
We are looking forward to receiving your replication. 
Thank you.
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Join Date: 2 Mar 23
Posts: 44
Posted: Thu, 2023-08-03 21:53

Dear developer,

You can try to use the commands like 'snpe-net-run --set_output_tensors output1,output2'.



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