Forums - Error about adding library

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Error about adding library
Join Date: 25 May 23
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2023-08-02 17:50

Dear Team,

When modifying the code to accomplish some new functionality, there are always reminding that

D/houdini: [4649] Added shared library /data/app/com.qcom.imagesuperres-1/lib/arm/ for Classloader by Native Bridge

D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM

I follow these tips and make a so library but still could not work. How could I overcome this situation?

2023-08-03 06:45:08.179 4649-4649/com.qcom.imagesuperres I/System.out: GPU instance running
2023-08-03 06:45:08.179 4649-4649/com.qcom.imagesuperres I/System.out: Initializing model %s.SuperResolution_sesr
2023-08-03 06:45:08.179 4649-4649/com.qcom.imagesuperres I/System.out: Model... loaded successfully. Building network on %sGPU
2023-08-03 06:45:08.282 4649-4649/com.qcom.imagesuperres D/houdini: [4649] Added shared library /data/app/com.qcom.imagesuperres-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
2023-08-03 06:45:08.344 4649-4649/com.qcom.imagesuperres D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
2023-08-03 06:45:08.344 4649-4649/com.qcom.imagesuperres E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: com.qcom.imagesuperres, PID: 4649
    com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError$NativeException: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=1006; error_message=Invalid constraint. error_code=1006; error_message=Invalid constraint. No GPU device available for target UNKNOWN_SDM; error_component=Model Validation; line_no=77; thread_id=-679529172; error_component=Model Validation; line_no=342; thread_id=-679529172
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError.getSnpeNativeError(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.internal.NativeNetwork.<init>(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SNPE$
        at com.qcom.imagesuperres.SuperResolution.initializingModel(
        at com.qcom.imagesuperres.SNPEActivity.process(
        at com.qcom.imagesuperres.SNPEActivity.executeRadioButton(
        at com.qcom.imagesuperres.SNPEActivity$1.onItemSelected(
        at android.widget.AdapterView.fireOnSelected(
        at android.widget.AdapterView.dispatchOnItemSelected(
        at android.widget.AdapterView.-wrap1(
        at android.widget.AdapterView$

Thanks in advance and wish you everything going better and better.


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Join Date: 2 Mar 23
Posts: 44
Posted: Fri, 2023-08-11 04:49

Dear developer,

What's the version of the snpe that you uesd?



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