Forums - Unable to load 'snpe-android' after 'jniload' library in android

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Unable to load 'snpe-android' after 'jniload' library in android
Join Date: 25 May 23
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2023-05-25 16:28


In our android applicatin, when I try to do the following, the `snpe-android` library loading is stuck and never returns or completes.



However loading them in the reverse order or loading them individually works fine.
Root Cause of this issue will be helpful for us in long term in case of more dependencies.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
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Posted: Fri, 2023-05-26 21:59

Dear developer,

What's type of jni-load in your code?

Per my understanding, this libray was not release by Qualcomm. Is the customing library created in you side?

You could load these two lib seperately in two module.



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Join Date: 25 May 23
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Posted: Tue, 2023-05-30 11:44

Thank you for your reply.
We have the `jniload` ( library being loaded from one of our dependency - Honeywell's SwiftDecoder (

Our application uses both SwiftDcoder and also Qualcomm's SNPE and have an issue of loading these in a particular order. Diving deep, we figured out the issue is with loading of these two libraries(`jniload` from SwiftDecode, `snpe-android` from SNPE) in a particular order.

Let us know if you need more details.

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Join Date: 25 May 23
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Posted: Wed, 2023-06-28 17:11

Both SwiftDecoder and SNPE use and are using different versions which is causing the issue. Honeywell provided a solution by statically linking the specific library needed by SwiftDecoder. The order dependency is fixed now.

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