Forums - performances gap between snpe tools vs snpe sdk (c++)

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performances gap between snpe tools vs snpe sdk (c++)
Join Date: 23 May 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2023-05-23 00:09



I'd like to know any issues between snpe tools and snpe sdk for c++.

Actually, my model is based on yolo architecture.

And, I use model for inference with DSP only.

When I use snpe tools like 'snpe-net-run' or 'snpe-parallel-run', I got 83ms, and after then I got 57~58ms.
For example, 83ms, 57ms, 57ms, 57ms, for each frames.


When I use snpe sdk (c++), then I always get 83ms, 83ms, 83ms, ..., etc.

So, I'd like to know this gap (83ms-57ms=26ms).

for details, I use snpe sdk (SNPE-execute) with TensorMap version from below link.

bool execute(const zdl::DlSystem::TensorMap & input,  zdl::DlSystem::TensorMap & output  )



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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 2023-05-26 22:03

Dear developer,

It's recommending to check the snpe acclerator data inner inferenece info. This will be the correct data for you. Sometimes, the gap caused by the cDSP bring up which consumes too much time.



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