Forums - GPU degrading AIP performance when run in paralel

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GPU degrading AIP performance when run in paralel
Join Date: 21 Apr 23
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2023-05-17 00:39

I have tried runnning GPU & AIP in two threads paralley, then I have seen GPU throughput of 27.5 inferences/second & AIP throughtput of 116.1  inferences/second. But when I ran model on AIP in 2 threads in parallel, I got throughtput of AIP thread1 -> 97.6 &  AIP thread2 -> 92.8 inferences/second respectively. From this observation I understood that, AIP is acually capable of delivering 190 inferences/second, but when AIP is ran parallel with GPU, AIP performance is getting degraded, why is this happening. Is there any limitaion, can you please explain me.

Thanks in advance

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 2023-05-19 06:07

Dear developer,

The runtime AIP is latency platform and no long support it. You could run the DSP backend instead.



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