Forums - C API: User buffer tutorial

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C API: User buffer tutorial
Join Date: 10 May 23
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2023-05-16 02:04

Hello everyone,

As a part of the Performance Tips, it is mentionned that UserBuffer might improve performances.

However, while looking at the documentation the explanations are lacking and the  samples are incomplete and sometimes wrong.

Do you know where I would be able to find mroe details or at least a complete example on how to use it?

That would be very useful. Especially as the support for C++ is coming to an end and C will be the one supported from now on.

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Join Date: 8 May 22
Posts: 37
Posted: Wed, 2023-05-17 19:10


You can imitate the userbuffer code of the C++API to write C API code. Just replace the C++interface function with the C interface function. That's what I did, and I hope it can help you!

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Join Date: 10 May 23
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2023-06-21 20:34

Dear MarkWu,

In the end this is what I did.
However, I do find disappointing that the only remaining "full working example" is written is C++ knowing its support should end soon.

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