Forums - C API Error

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C API Error
Join Date: 10 May 23
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2023-05-15 19:21
Hello everyone,
While porting my code from the C++ API (SDK 1.6) to the C API (2.9), I ran into the following error:
[1] QnnDsp <E> Unsupported SnapdragonModel = 0 by HTP backend, assuming fp16 is not supported
This happens after the following lines:
Snpe_DlContainer_Handle_t container;
container = Snpe_DlContainer_Open(MODEL_NAME);
Snpe_RuntimeList_Handle_t runtimeList = Snpe_RuntimeList_Create();
Snpe_RuntimeList_Add(runtimeList, SNPE_RUNTIME_CPU); // I checked the returned code, no error
Snpe_StringList_Handle_t outputTensorNames = Snpe_StringList_CreateSize(outputInfo.size());
for (auto info : outputInfo)
Snpe_SNPEBuilder_Handle_t snpeBuilder = Snpe_SNPEBuilder_Create(container);
Snpe_SNPEBuilder_SetOutputTensors(snpeBuilder, outputTensorNames);// I checked the returned code, no error
Snpe_SNPEBuilder_SetRuntimeProcessorOrder(snpeBuilder, runtimeList);// I checked the returned code, no error
Snpe_SNPEBuilder_SetInitCacheMode(snpeBuilder, false);// I checked the returned code, no error
Snpe_SNPE_Handle_t snpe = Snpe_SNPEBuilder_Build(snpeBuilder); // error appear within that function call
The code nonetheless compiles fine. However, as there is no model loaded because of that error, there is also no detection later on.
If I use the following before the builder:
Snpe_SNPEBuilder_SetCpuFixedPointMode(snpeBuilder, true);
The error diseappear but I end up with nullptr when I try to access anything with function such as getInputTensorNames().
Finally, the various models I am using were transformed from ONNX to DLC using the  snpe-onnx-to-dlc tool provided with the SDK. The convertions were made without any error.
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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 2023-05-19 06:08

Dear developer,

How abou the execution on qnn-net-run?



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