Forums - FP16 input data corrupted in HTP emulator

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FP16 input data corrupted in HTP emulator
Join Date: 2 Apr 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2023-04-19 01:21

Hi Qualcomm Team,

Using QNN2.8, my model in ONNX format can be converted to and running on x86 backend successfully.

However, when I tried to convert the same ONNX file to FP16 then run it on HTP emulator. I found my input data was corrupted every other element. Below is how I convert, build, and run on emulator:

!qnn-onnx-converter --input_network simple_linear_regression.onnx --float_bw 16 --output_path simple_linear_regression_fp16.cpp --input_dim "input" 1,1,2

!qnn-model-lib-generator -c simple_linear_regression_fp16.cpp -b simple_linear_regression_fp16.bin -t x86_64-linux-clang

!qnn-net-run --model libs/x86_64-linux-clang/ \

--backend ${QNN_SDK_ROOT}/target/x86_64-linux-clang/lib/ \
--input_list simple_linear_regression_input_list.txt \
--output_dir simple_linear_regression_onnx_fp16 \

Then I read back the input data from emulator's output folder:

x_raw = np.fromfile("simple_linear_regression_onnx_fp16/Result_0/input_ncf.raw", dtype=np.float16)


And I got: array([-2. , -1.006], dtype=float16)

But the original input data I provided is array([[[-1.592, -1.006]]], dtype=float16)

The 1st element (FP16 format) is corrupted to -2.

Note: this is a simplified model, which is a simple linear regression: y=2*x0-3.4*x1+4.2.

In my original complex model, the input shape is [1, 80, 201], and I can observe that every other element in each row is corrupted to -2.

Is this a bug in HTP emulator? Thanks!

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 2023-04-21 06:17

Dear developer,

QNN is for specific Qualcomm customer. Could you please help to clarify below info to us?

1  What's your platform for this issue, is Auto or others?

2 What's company name your issue from?



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Join Date: 2 Apr 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2023-04-21 12:36

Thanks Wei! It doesn't matter now because I figured it out that by default qnn-net-run assumes the input data is in float32, even the converted model is float16.

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