Forums - QNN - Unable to run model on SA9000P Chipset

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QNN - Unable to run model on SA9000P Chipset
Join Date: 21 Jun 22
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2023-04-07 05:38


We are trying to run QNN model on SA9000P using QNN SDK version 2.8.0. but getinng following error

0.0ms [VERBOSE] QnnDsp <V> AIC device 0 online. Saving it for QNN use.
     0.0ms [VERBOSE] QnnDsp <V> AIC device 1000 online. Saving it for QNN use.
     0.0ms [VERBOSE] QnnDsp <V> AIC device 1001 online. Saving it for QNN use.
     0.0ms [  INFO ] QnnDsp <I> QnnDevice_getPlatformInfo done. status 0x0
     0.0ms [  NFO ] QnnDsp <I> QnnDevice_create started. device = 0x1
     0.0ms[ ERROR ] QnnDsp <E> Invalid number of cores passed: 0
     0.0ms [ ERROR ] QnnDsp <E> Failed to parse default platform info: 1004
     0.0ms [ ERROR ] QnnDsp <E> Failed to parse platform config: 1004
     0.0ms [  INFO ] QnnDsp <I> QnnDevice_create done. status 0x3ec
  1155.3ms [ ERROR ] Failed to create device: 1004
  1155.3ms [ ERROR ] Device Creation failure
     0.0ms [  INFO ] QnnDsp <I> terminateClient started. 0x1
Steps Followed:
1. model was created with backend and following config file.
   "graph": {
       "num_cores"  : 1,
       "graph_name" : "Inception_v3_quantized"
  "backend_extensions": {
      "shared_library_path": "/data/local/tmp/lib/",
      "config_file_path"   : "/data/local/tmp/bin/graph_prepare_hw.conf"
Please provide necessary steps to execute inference on SA9000P
Panneerselvam N


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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 2023-04-21 06:19

Dear developer,

Could you please help to raise ticket to Qualcomm through SaleForce instead since QDN was only for SNPE?

QNN action will not be supported in QDN.



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