Forums - ONNX model load error - 401

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ONNX model load error - 401
Join Date: 7 Mar 23
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2023-03-19 01:01

I am trying to use the snpe execution provider of onnxruntime with a quantized model on the AIP and I get the following error at model load time:

Exception during initialization: C:\source\repos\onnxruntime\onnxruntime\core\providers\snpe\ onnxruntime::contrib::snpe::SnpeLib::InitializeSnpe snpe_ was false. Failed to create snpe instance! error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. QnnGraph_create() Failed: 6031; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=1809; thread_id=13856; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=311; thread_id=18256

I am using the snpe sdk for windows version: on the Microsoft Volterra platform with a converted and quantized onnx model. I cannot find the source of this QnnGraph_create() function, so that should be somewhere in the shipped snpe lib. What did go wrong? based on this error message?

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 2023-03-19 06:16

Dear developer,

What's your platform you used? You need to check if your platform supported AIP runtime or not.




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Join Date: 7 Mar 23
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2023-03-19 13:42

Dear Wei,

I am using the Microsoft Volterra computer, which has this Snapdragon integrated:

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Join Date: 29 Nov 22
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Posted: Mon, 2023-03-27 08:42

I am having the similar issue; on the windows-devkit 2023

i am trying to run this model from the tutorial:

Please a simple answer:

on the widows (devkit 2023 with aarch94): is the dsp is still supported or not!?

If so, by the SNPE-WIN DSK or only through the ONNXRuntime?

any answer is appreciated, documentation is very sketchy.

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