Forums - snpe-udo-package-generator error on v2.5 SDK

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snpe-udo-package-generator error on v2.5 SDK
Join Date: 19 Jan 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2023-01-25 04:39

Hello All, 

I am trying to use the UDO  package generator (as part of the SNPE 2.5.0). 

The command used by me is as follows:

(pyenv36) Box:~/snpe-sdk$ snpe-udo-package-generator -p ./examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/config/Softmax.json -o ./models/inception_v3/;

2023-01-25 13:10:13,034 - 214 - INFO - Creating new package at: /home/rayyappan/snpe-sdk/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage
2023-01-25 13:10:13,034 - 219 - WARNING - DSP Operation detected but HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT is not set. Please note HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT needs to be set to compile the package.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/rayyappan/snpe-sdk/bin/x86_64-linux-clang/snpe-udo-package-generator", line 36, in <module>
  File "/home/rayyappan/snpe-sdk/lib/python/qti/aisw/converters/backend/custom_ops/", line 243, in setup_file_paths
    self.copy_udo_dir("utils", CUSTOM_OP_DIR, cpu_util_src_dir)
NameError: name 'CUSTOM_OP_DIR' is not defined
Looking at the lib/python/qti/aisw/converters/backend/custom_ops/, it reveals we need to set the QNN_SDK_ROOT for deducing the CUSTOM_OP_DIR
QNN_SDK_ROOT = os.getenv("QNN_SDK_ROOT")

if QNN_SDK_ROOT is not None:
SHARE_LOC_PREFIX = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(QNN_SDK_ROOT), 'target', 'x86_64-linux-clang', 'share', 'OpPackageGenerator')
CUSTOM_OP_DIR = os.path.join(SHARE_LOC_PREFIX, 'CustomOp')

can anyone tell me which SDK is this ?? 

similiar thread on this issue is here but its not yet addressed properly (only downgrading the version was the option there). 



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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-02-04 04:23

Dear developer,

Could you please help to share the steps for your SNPE-UDO to us?

QNN SDK is not released to public yet.

I thinks it's confustion for SNPE UDO development.

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