Forums - SNPE2

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Join Date: 8 May 22
Posts: 37
Posted: Tue, 2023-01-10 18:24


Recently, SNPE2 SDK was launched. I see the document "SNPE1 to SNPE2 Migration Guide" describes:


  • C API
    1. SNPE2 introduces a C API.
    2. This API will be the only way to interact with SNPE going forward.
    3. The C API reduces/removes potential compatibility concerns that C++ can have (e.g. due to C++ templates).
    4. To ease the transition, the C++ API will continue to be supported until early/mid 2023, at which point it will be retired.
    5. For more information, reference the "C tutorial" section of "Code Examples" and C API sections.

I have the following questions:
1. Will the C++API be canceled in SNPE2 after the beginning/middle of 2023?
2. Will SNPE1 continue to exist?
3. Does my previous integration code need to be migrated from c++to c?
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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-01-14 21:51

Dear developer,

1. Will the C++API be canceled in SNPE2 after the beginning/middle of 2023?
QC: No. C++ API will be supported further.
2. Will SNPE1 continue to exist?
QC: SNPE1 will be not release starting from 2023/1. But some versions will be fixed on previous SDK.
3. Does my previous integration code need to be migrated from c++to c?
QC: You can take a look the sample code on SNPE to check if anything need to update.
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