Forums - on Qualcomm 888 HDK the adb USB connection keeps dropping out after a few hours

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on Qualcomm 888 HDK the adb USB connection keeps dropping out after a few hours
Join Date: 19 Dec 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-12-19 01:13

I have 5 Qualcomm 888 HDK boards, which I'm using to drive tests using adb connection over USB to my desktop that is downloading and running tests on them. 3 of the dev boards are rock solid and have been up and running for weeks. 2 of them keep dropping the USB connection after a few hours. The devices are not rebooting, if I unplug the usb-c connection on the dev board and replug it reconnects to my desktop no problem. I have a screen attached, and it shows nothing visible that I can see that might help explain this, I've looked at the logcat output, and nothing obvious there either.

So how would an android developer go about debugging this flakey USB problem?

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Join Date: 27 May 15
Posts: 246
Posted: Mon, 2022-12-19 08:26

Please post this in our Hardware Development Kit forum.

That way the proper people will be notified. 


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