Forums - snpe-net-run error: Network creation has failed.

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snpe-net-run error: Network creation has failed.
Join Date: 21 Oct 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2022-12-07 23:57

I faced follow problems

error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. QnnGraph_finalize failed: 6000; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=796; thread_id=140096242460416; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=342; thread_id=140096243001344

how much layers snpe-net-run suport

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Join Date: 17 May 22
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Posted: Thu, 2022-12-08 01:47


There is no such limit in layers to run snpe-net-run.

Can you please share the full command for further details.


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Join Date: 23 May 18
Posts: 37
Posted: Tue, 2022-12-13 00:25

Hi User,

Can I understand how DLC model has been converted?
This must be the issue with the model converted, there is as such no limits of the count of the layers to be executed.
Please let us know the command of the model converted...

Sahil Bandar

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Join Date: 11 Jan 23
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Posted: Sun, 2023-01-29 00:46


    I also came cross the same problem when I run the command

    "snpe-net-run --input_list /PATH_TO_DATA/test_data.txt --container /PATH_TO_DLC --output_dir /PATH_TO_OUTPUT"

    And the version of SNPE is 2.5.0.

    Please let me know if there is any progress about this question.

Best regards,


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Join Date: 11 Jan 23
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Posted: Sun, 2023-01-29 00:49

Hi Bandar,

    I also came cross the same problem when I run the command

    "snpe-net-run --input_list /PATH_TO_DATA/test_data.txt --container /PATH_TO_DLC --output_dir /PATH_TO_OUTPUT"

    And the version of SNPE is 2.5.0.

    Please let me know if there is any progress about this question.

Best regards,


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Join Date: 11 Jun 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2023-09-01 15:05

Hi Qualcomm Dev/Support,

I hit the same error when running my quantized model on AIP runtime. Could you provide any insights what could be wrong? Here is the command:
snpe-net-run --container <my_quantized_dlc> --input_list <my_data_list> --output_dir output --use_aip

error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. QnnGraph_finalize failed: 6022; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=1902; thread_id=501337095504; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=272; thread_id=503553461968

The SNPE is v2.10.0.4541

The DevBoard has Snapdragon 865 Processor (SM8250). 

The same quantized model failed when running on DSP runtime with --use_dsp. But the error is different:

 error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. QnnGraph_finalize failed: 6022; error_component=Dl Network;

The same quantized dlc runs successfully on CPU (without -use_aip or --use_dsp)


Are there any tools or debugging options to investigate further of this issue?



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