Forums - SNPE build in app failed with newer SNPE (at least ver. 1.62~1.68)

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SNPE build in app failed with newer SNPE (at least ver. 1.62~1.68)
Join Date: 13 Oct 22
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2022-12-07 02:46

I tried to implement Java application internally usning native c++ SNPE with JNI.

snpe = snpeBuilder.setOutputLayers(outputNames)

However, the above build function returns nullptr regardless of any runtimes (CPU, GPU).

The error code generated with zdl::DlSystem::getLastErrorString() is as follows.

error:error_code=1200; error_message=libstd error. error_code=1200; error_message=libstd error. QnnBackend_initialize failed: 1006; error_component=Dependent library; line_no=646; thread_id=485820816560; error_component=Dependent library; line_no=342; thread_id=501993092344


I checked my dlc file has no problem. I successfuly ran the dlc using command line execution with adb shell.

Also, If I used older SNPE (ver.=1.15.0) with older smartphone, the dlc successfully ran on my  Java application.

So my compile script seems no problem at least for older SNPE.


I have to use SNPE>=1.62, because I want to use 8 Gen 1 Snapdragon.


I suspect the problem is around  the newly added

In command line execution, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to is needed, but I don't know collect way in app.

Any suggestion...?

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
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Posted: Sat, 2022-12-10 23:41

Dear developer,

You can take a look at below instructions,

1 Add enable_htp to snpe-dlc-quantize flow

2 unsingedPD:OFF is required for SNPE 1.6x or later.



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Join Date: 13 Oct 22
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Posted: Tue, 2022-12-13 06:28


Thank you for reply.

1. The model is not quantized.

2. I set unsignedPD as follows. 

zdl::DlSystem::PlatformConfig platformConfig;
bool is_platform_opt_set;
is_platform_opt_set = platformConfig.setPlatformOptions("unsignedPD:OFF");
snpe = snpeBuilder.setOutputLayers(outputNames)

But different errors came up...

*If CPU runtime:

snpeBuilder error:error_code=1200; error_message=libstd error. error_code=1200; error_message=libstd error. QnnBackend_initialize failed: 1006; error_component=Dependent library; line_no=646; thread_id=485682465968; error_component=Dependent library; line_no=342; thread_id=501993092344

*If GPU runtime:

snpeBuilder error:error_code=1006; error_message=Invalid constraint. error_code=1006; error_message=Invalid constraint. No GPU device available for target UNKNOWN_SDM; error_component=Model Validation; line_no=77; thread_id=487564496048; error_component=Model Validation; line_no=342; thread_id=501993092344

What is wrong...?

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Join Date: 13 Oct 22
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2022-12-14 02:40


[Additional information of the state]

My app can run with SNPE 1.65 if it is on Snapdragon 865 after setting unsignedPD:OFF.

However, It can't run on Snapdragon 888 and 8 Gen 1.

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