Forums - Failed to load the model on 8gen1 using SNPE.

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Failed to load the model on 8gen1 using SNPE.
Join Date: 10 Dec 18
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2022-12-01 18:06

After the quantization model is converted using SDK 1.66, loading on 8gen1 fails. Has anyone encountered and solved this problem?  PS:--use_float_io has been used during model conversion.

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 2022-12-04 00:07

Dear customer,

Could you please help to share your converson and execution commands to us?

Also, you need to quantize your model if you hope to run on cDSP runtime.

unsigedPD:OFF is required after 1.60 or later.



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Join Date: 10 Dec 18
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2022-12-06 05:51
The model conversion command is:
./bin/x86_64-linux-clang/snpe-dlc-quantize --input_dlc ./resnet50_tf_b1_fp16.dlc --input_list ./QuantFiles/1_224_224_3/file_list.txt --output_dlc ./resnet50_tf_b1_int8.dlc --enable_htp --use_float_io
I'm confused about "unsigedPD:OFF", do you need to modify "RuntimeCheckOption_t = UNSIGNEDPD_CHECK" in the code? I have now done this and still the model fails to load. I have made this modification, but still the model fails to load on the DSP.
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