Forums - Depthwise Convolution Bug

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Depthwise Convolution Bug
Join Date: 26 Oct 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2022-11-02 05:09


I have a simple PyTorch module that executes a depthwise convolution.

Complete Code

    import torch
    class Depthwise(torch.nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(12, 
        def forward(self, x):
            return self.conv(x)
    channels = 12
    input_shape = [1,channels,288,480]
    bugModule = Depthwise()

    def trace_and_save(module, inputs, filename):
        torchscript_model = torch.jit.trace(module, inputs)
    trace_and_save(bugModule, [torch.randn(input_shape)], '')

snpe-pytorch-to-dlc will convert the model without terminating with an error, but provides the runtime warning:

$ snpe-pytorch-to-dlc -i --input_dim 'input_0' 1,12,288,480 --debug

snpe- RuntimeWarning: info_code=1002; message=Layer parameter value is invalid. Layer depthwise_convolution_0: input depth should be evenly divisible by group parameter; component=Model Validation; line_no=992; thread_id=139737817130816
If you attempt to execute it, it will fail with:

ERROR - snpebm.snpebm_device: ['error_code=1002; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid. error_code=1002; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid. Layer depthwise_convolution_0: input depth should be evenly divisible by group parameter; error_component=Model Validation; line_no=992; thread_id=-225721888; error_component=Model Validation; line_no=342; thread_id=-183237516']

Clearly the input depth (12) and the groups (12) are equal, and so input depth is evenly divisible by group parameter

- snpe:
- torch: 1.11 (also same issue with 1.8)

DLC file: depthwise.dlc
PT file: depthwise.pt

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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Thu, 2022-11-03 01:33


Please check the command you have used snpe-pytorch-to-dlc, you need to provide -o output_path followed by output file(.dlc) where you want to save your dlc model.

If not specified, the converter model will be written to a file with same name as the input model.

Please check the link given:


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Join Date: 26 Oct 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2022-11-03 07:49

That is incorrect, the output path is not required. As you can observe in my first post, I have and depthwise.dlc attached and generated using my code, which you could have easily verified. Your response has nothing to do with the problem of my question.

The argument -o is not required (look at the link you sent and you will see it's optional), furthermore, if you don't specify -o to snpe-pytorch-to-dlc, it will generate a new file like this <input-file-name>.dlc, eg:

$ snpe-pytorch-to-dlc -i ...

Results in the output file input_file.dlc

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