Forums - Network failed to run on AIP

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Network failed to run on AIP
Join Date: 22 Jun 22
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2022-11-01 08:44


I'm trying to run my neural network on AIP. When i use --enable_hta option during quantization, it seems that the hta partition is successful with this message:


[INFO] Creating new AIP record aip.metadata0

[INFO] Record Version::
[INFO] Compiler Version::
[INFO] HTA Blob ID:: 2
[INFO] Successfully compiled HTA metadata into DLC.

[INFO] DebugLog shutting down.


However, when I ran my network on device with snpe-net-run using --use_aip option, i had this error:


npu_get_property status: 0
npu_get_property status: 0
FW CAPS [0] = 0x2007
FW CAPS [1] = 0x80000005
FW CAPS [2] = 0x0
FW CAPS [3] = 0x0
FW CAPS [4] = 0x0
FW CAPS [5] = 0x0
FW CAPS [6] = 0x0
FW CAPS [7] = 0x0
npu_get_property status: 0
NPU User Driver: npu_read_info 0
npu_get_property status: 0
npu_get_property status: 0
FW CAPS [0] = 0x2007
FW CAPS [1] = 0x80000005
FW CAPS [2] = 0x0
FW CAPS [3] = 0x0
FW CAPS [4] = 0x0
FW CAPS [5] = 0x0
FW CAPS [6] = 0x0
FW CAPS [7] = 0x0
npu_get_property status: 0

error_code=1409; error_message=AIP runtime invalid parameter. error_code=1409; error_message=AIP runtime invalid parameter. Mismatch between network offline and online view.; error_component=AIP Runtime; line_no=548; thread_id=547808346464; error_component=AIP Runtime; line_no=265; thread_id=547898478608


Do you have any idea about this problem ?


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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2022-11-05 23:12

Dear developer,

What's chipset you're trying to convert? AIP only supported SM8250 or before and will be deprecated starting from 8350(888).



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Join Date: 22 Jun 22
Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 2022-11-06 12:00


Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to convert the model on AIP for SM8250. Do you have any idea about the problem that i got ?
Another question: As you said, AIP will be deprecated starting from 8350, so which technology will be used to run neural network on NPU instead of AIP please ? 

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