Forums - Is 5D tensor support added for Quantized DL model in QNN?

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Is 5D tensor support added for Quantized DL model in QNN?
Join Date: 20 Apr 22
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2022-09-27 05:46

We have tried to execute Quantized DeepLearning model on QNN SDK which has operations with 5D tensor.

We got following error in QNN - 1.16.0 version

qnn-context-binary-generator --model --backend ${QNN_SDK_ROOT}/target/x86_64-linux-clang/lib/ --binary_file model.serialized --output_dir .
qnn-context-binary-generator pid:11951
     0.0ms [ ERROR ] QnnDsp <E> Input[0] has incorrect Rank 5.
     0.0ms [ ERROR ] QnnDsp <E> validateNativeOps Mul_523:qti.aisw:ElementWiseMultiply op validator (quantized and FP16) failed 3110 and 3110
Please guide us which version of QNN SDK supports 5D tensor operations for Quantized DL model.
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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2022-10-01 19:24

Dear customer,

Our inference engin of QNN and SNPE don't support 5D yet. Please help to take another ops to replace.



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