Forums - Model quantification

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Model quantification
Join Date: 8 May 22
Posts: 37
Posted: Wed, 2022-08-17 04:11


I encountered some questions and wanted to ask. I encountered a headache.
After I quantized the dlc model to int8, I ran it on the dsp. The accuracy of the int8 model is relatively low, so it cannot be used,
But the non-quantized model is used on the dsp. The accuracy of running it is very high, but the time comparison of loading the non-quantized model on the dsp is about 3s, how can I make the loading time of the non-quantized model on the dsp shorter?
Or how can I quantize the model so that the int8 model can achieve the accuracy of the non-quantized model?
My device is Snapdragon 8Gen,snpe version  is 1.64, looking forward to your answer
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Join Date: 23 May 18
Posts: 37
Posted: Fri, 2022-08-19 09:12

Hi Smith,

If you pass on the non-quantized model to DSP, SNPE takes care of converting it to quantized internally. 
This is the something, which may cause the delay in loading the model.

For pre-quantized model, make sure that the input data you passed is uint8.

Sahil Bandar

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