Forums - comparison of performance from SDK version 1.61 vs 1.64

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comparison of performance from SDK version 1.61 vs 1.64
Join Date: 30 May 16
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2022-08-15 13:41

I upgraded my Qualcomm 888 testing pipeline to a new version of the SNPE SDK moving from snpe-1.61.0 to snpe-1.64.0. Then re-ran all our 8000 models we have been testing. The results are mixed. On the one hand snpe-1.64.0 seems to have fixed some quantization bugs such that a lot more models are getting an interesting non-zero F1 accuracy score and all scores are the same or better than before, but on the other hand the mean inference times have slowed down some. The slow down is more evident in the smaller faster models. So my question  is for smaller models the perf hit is pretty bad, is this a known issue and something that will likely improve in future versions of the SDK ?


See my github gist showing the performance charts 

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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Thu, 2022-11-24 01:32


Please check the link given below,

they have mentioned all the New Features, Bug Fixes and Known Issues for all the Qualcomm neural processing SDK versions.


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