Forums - snpe-pytorch-to-dlc fails on example code

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snpe-pytorch-to-dlc fails on example code
Join Date: 17 Aug 21
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2022-08-15 11:17


I downloaded snpe-, and ran the alexnet caffe examples without issue.  Next, I tried the pytorch example with resnet18.  I ran the following commands:

$ python3 // Python 3.6.9, Ubuntu 18.04

>>> import torch

>>> import torchvision.models as models

>>> resnet18_model = models.resnet18()

>>> input_shape = [1, 3, 224, 224]

>>> input_data = torch.randn(input_shape)

>>> script_model = torch.jit.trace(resnet18_model, input_data)


>>> exit()

$ snpe-pytorch-to-dlc --input_network --input_dim input "1,3,224,224" --output_path resnet18.dlc 

Console Output ->
Check failed: (reporter->AssertEQ(data->shape[data->shape.size() - 1], weight->shape[1])) is false: DenseRel: input dimension doesn't match, data shape=[1, 512], weight shape=[512, 1000]

Please confirm I followed the steps correctly or if I did something wrong.




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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Fri, 2022-08-19 08:49


The document mentions that --input-dim must be followed by value in quotes as follows:

snpe-pytorch-to-dlc --input_network --input_dim 'input'  1,3,224,224 --output_path resnet18.dlc

See here:

required arguments:
                        The names and dimensions of the network input layers
                        specified in the format [input_name comma-separated-
                        dimensions], for example: 'data' 1,3,224,224 Note that
                        the quotes should always be included in order to
                        handlespecial characters, spaces, etc. For multiple
                        inputs specify multiple --input_dim on the command
                        line like: --input_dim 'data1' 1,3,224,224 --input_dim
                        'data2' 1,50,100,3



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Join Date: 17 Aug 21
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2022-08-22 19:57

Hi ss.pandiri,

Thanks for your response.  I tried running the same command using quotes as you suggested, but I received the same error from TVM.  However, it turns out the issue was that I had installed pytorch 1.12.  After uninstalling pytorch and torchvision, then reinstalling pytorch (and torchvision) v1.8.1, I was able to run snpe-pytorch-to-dlc without issue.

Thank you for your help.


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