Forums - The reasoning result has deviation

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The reasoning result has deviation
Join Date: 8 May 22
Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 2022-06-27 18:54
Hello, the result inferred by snpe-sample compiled by jni in SampleCode in NativeCpp in the examples directory in snpe- is inconsistent with the result inferred directly by snpe-net-run, I want to ask what it is reason.
Forgive me for not knowing how to publish the inference results for you to see. The raw results obtained by me using snpe-net-run are completely correct, but the results obtained by using snpe-sample will have a large deviation. My device is snapdragon 888.
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Join Date: 8 May 22
Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 2022-06-27 19:12

Additional: DSP reasoning has gone through a pit. In jni, you must add "UNSIGNEDPD_CHECK" to the demo before you can use DSP. I don't know if we can improve the demo to avoid more pits?

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