Forums - snpe-release.aar run in 8155p

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snpe-release.aar run in 8155p
Join Date: 23 Feb 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2022-05-18 00:49

when i use snpe-release.aar to run dlc model  in 8155p DSP runtime; there some error.

snpe version=

1.when use "NativeNetwork.isRuntimeAvailable"  to check runtime infomation. some error log :

vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1214: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle_open_domain: dynamic loading failed for file:/// on domain 3 (dlerror _rtld_map_object_ex: cannot open libsnpe_dsp_v66_domains_v

vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1255: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle64_open failed for file:/// (errno Success)
2.when use "SNPE.NeuralNetworkBuilder(this).setDebugEnabled(true).setRuntimeCheckOption(NeuralNetwork.RuntimeCheckOption.BASIC_CHECK).setRuntimeOrder(DSP.setModel(inputStream, size).build()" to build NeuralNetwork. the error log is:
Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=908; error_message=DSP runtime communication error. Missing SNPE DSP dependent libraries:; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=1088; thread_id=513083139320
    com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError$NativeException: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=908; error_message=DSP runtime communication error. Missing SNPE DSP dependent libraries:; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=1088; thread_id=513083139320
so, how to fix it? or how to use snpe-release.aar to run dlc model  in 8155p DSP runtime?  
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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 2022-06-12 04:59

Dear customer,

Did your platform support CDSP signature as DSP only works on signedPD SNPE?

Please check the CDSP error qxdm or mini-dm logs.



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Join Date: 22 Dec 20
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Posted: Fri, 2022-06-17 02:26

In the official SNPE demo, unsignedPD is false, but it works fine on my device's dsp.

When integrating snpe-release.aar into my own APP, it cannot run on my device's dsp, no matter if unsignedpd is false or true.


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Join Date: 22 Dec 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2022-06-17 02:27

In the official SNPE demo, unsignedPD is false, but it works fine on my device's dsp.

When integrating snpe-release.aar into my own APP, it cannot run on my device's dsp, no matter if unsignedpd is false or true.


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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
Posts: 45
Posted: Thu, 2022-06-23 07:48

8155P should be used in AUTO project. Do you have logcat logs or slog2info logs?

It may related with selinux, you can check logcat first. If related with selinux, you can try to set selinux to permissive as experiment. 

#setEnforce 0

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