Forums - Version incompatibility between latest SPNE and Hexagon SDK

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Version incompatibility between latest SPNE and Hexagon SDK
Join Date: 10 May 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2022-05-13 13:57

I am trying to build the Inception_v3 UDO sample that ships with the latest Snapdraggon Neural Processing Engine version 1.61.0.

I have also installed the latest Hexagon DSP SDK version 3.5.4 which is used by SNPE. 

Unforunately, when I attempt to build the Inception_v3 demo with UDO I get an error stating that my Hexagon SDK is not new enough:


python $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/scripts/ -a ~/inception_v3  -d -r all -u -l



make -C jni/src/DSP_V68 dsp

make[1]: Entering directory '/home/jprofit/snpe/snpe-'
/home/jprofit/qc/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.4/build/defines.min:17: *** "hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv84_v68" is not a supported build variant. 
 Supported variants: 

It appears that the SNPE version expects a newer version than is offered by the latest Hexagon SDK. 

Any assistence would be greatly appreciated.


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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2022-05-14 23:26

Dear customer,

Please help to upgrade to the latest Hexagon SDK which is 4.5.0 that can resolve your errors.



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