Forums - When will Matmul be supported?

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When will Matmul be supported?
Join Date: 27 Mar 22
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2022-05-06 04:36

When I run the  "./snpe-onnx-to-dlc -i best.onnx -o best.dlc" command to convert the ONNX model to DLC, the following warning is generated:

/opt/snpe/lib/python/qti/aisw/converters/backend/ RuntimeWarning: error_code=106; error_message=Incorrect/unsupported input dimensions is set. Layer MatMul_133: mismatch between 330 (400) and dimension of 1350 (1); error_component=System Configuration; line_no=1983; thread_id=140014041274176
/opt/snpe/lib/python/qti/aisw/converters/backend/ RuntimeWarning: info_code=802; message=Layer parameter value is invalid in GPU. Layer 1351 : output width = 512, depth = 512 width * depth (packed) = 65536 exceeds maximum image width 16384 for Adreno A650; component=GPU Runtime; line_no=981; thread_id=140014041274176
/opt/snpe/lib/python/qti/aisw/converters/backend/ RuntimeWarning: error_code=106; error_message=Incorrect/unsupported input dimensions is set. Layer MatMul_136: mismatch between 334 (400) and dimension of 1351 (1); error_component=System Configuration; line_no=1983; thread_id=140014041274176
/opt/snpe/lib/python/qti/aisw/converters/backend/ RuntimeWarning: info_code=802; message=Layer parameter value is invalid in GPU. Layer 1352 : output width = 512, depth = 512 width * depth (packed) = 65536 exceeds maximum image width 16384 for Adreno A650; component=GPU Runtime; line_no=981; thread_id=140014041274176
/opt/snpe/lib/python/qti/aisw/converters/backend/ RuntimeWarning: error_code=106; error_message=Incorrect/unsupported input dimensions is set. Layer MatMul_137: mismatch between 334 (400) and dimension of 1352 (1); error_component=System Configuration; line_no=1983; thread_id=140014041274176
And the conversion was successful
INFO - INFO_CONVERSION_SUCCESS: Conversion completed successfully
But when I use best.dlc in CPU Runtime, I get an error message:
     Caused by: com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError$NativeException: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=106; error_message=Incorrect/unsupported input dimensions is set. error_code=106; error_message=Incorrect/unsupported input dimensions is set. Layer MatMul_133: mismatch between 330 (400) and dimension of 1350 (1); error_component=System Configuration; line_no=1983; thread_id=528295382192; error_component=System Configuration; line_no=267; thread_id=540330472696
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError.getSnpeNativeError(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.internal.NativeNetwork.<init>(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SNPE$
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Join Date: 23 May 18
Posts: 37
Posted: Tue, 2022-05-10 08:28

Hi lewis_bo,

There is support for MatMul is already available in SNPE.
Please refer the URL given for the same, 
Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine SDK: Supported Network Layers (

Please try to cross-verify with the input shape you passed while converting the model to ONNX. or try to give input shape explicitly while converting.

Thanks & Regards,
Sahil Bandar

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