Forums - SD888 any non quantized model loads on GPU but fails on DSP

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SD888 any non quantized model loads on GPU but fails on DSP
Join Date: 30 Jun 21
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2022-03-30 17:51

Hi I'm facing strange behavior on SD888 device.

SNPE sdk 1.60.0

Any non quantized model loads fine on GPU but fails on DSP on SD888 with

Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. Failed to load network.  Error code: -6, Backend Error Code: 0.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=731; thread_id=521877896368; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=267; thread_id=537831625976
Same exact quantized  model  loads on both GPU and DSP on SD888 without errors
Same exact non quantized and quantized models  loads on both GPU and DSP on SD845 without errors
Is there any specifics on SD888 why this might happen
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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 2022-03-31 01:11

Dear customer,

The SNPE verison of 1.6.0 is too old for 888 platform. Could you please retry with the latest SNPE SDK?



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Join Date: 30 Jun 21
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2022-03-31 09:26

Sorry that was a mistype (1.6.0 -> 1.60), I tested it on latest 1.60 (Feb 22) version. Post above corrected to reflect.

Also models were converted and quantized on same SDK 1.60.

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