Forums - quantize model with qta

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quantize model with qta
Join Date: 10 Jan 22
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2022-02-21 01:46

I want to run part of layers on CPU and part of layers on DSP.

I think the AIP runtime can satfisfy my need.

But when I run the command : $ snpe-dlc-quantize --input_dlc=XXX.dlc --input_list=../full_img_input_list.txt --output_dlc=XXX_hta.dlc --enable_hta --hta_partitions 0-50,92-119

I get the errors show below:

Add_6: ElementwiseBinaryOp not supported
item already exists: 1124
[INFO] Compiling HTA metadata into DLC.
[INFO] Creating new AIP record aip.metadata0 
[INFO] Record Version::
[INFO] Compiler Version::
[INFO] HTA Blob ID:: 1
[ERROR] Partitions registration failed. Error code: 4
[ERROR] Manual Partitioning failed.
[WARNING] Couldn't process data for HTA Blob Id [1].
[INFO] Creating new AIP record aip.metadata0 
[INFO] Record Version::
[INFO] Compiler Version::
[INFO] HTA Blob ID:: 2
Unsupported layer MatMul_55
Unsupported layer MatMul_60
Unsupported layer MatMul_75
Unsupported layer MatMul_80
Unsupported layer MatMul_55
Unsupported layer MatMul_60
Unsupported layer MatMul_75
Unsupported layer MatMul_80
[ERROR] Partitions registration failed. Error code: 4
[ERROR] Manual Partitioning failed.
[WARNING] Couldn't process data for HTA Blob Id [2].
[ERROR] Couldn't compile HTA metadata into DLC.
[INFO] DebugLog shutting down.
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Join Date: 10 Jan 22
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2022-02-21 18:56


I solved this problem by setting partitions carefully.
But I have other question here.

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