Forums - Accessing GPU memory in UDO

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Accessing GPU memory in UDO
Join Date: 13 Jun 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 2021-12-30 00:13



When implementing custom layers using UDO framework, the GPU data can be accessed in the following way as shown in the UDO Softmax example

SnpeUdo_GpuTensorData_t* tensorData0 = static_cast<SnpeUdo_GpuTensorData_t*>(inputs[0].tensorData);

And the above variable is used to set the Kernel Arg as follows

err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)tensorData0->mem);

tensorData0->mem points to a cl_mem object.

However when using clEnqueueReadBuffer / clEnqueueWriteBuffer to the above cl_mem object throws up an error and even the operation is complete, the values returned do not look valid (lots of 0 with some massive outliers 10e14 / 10e-14)

Is there a way to access the data in the GPU buffers ?

For example, using the flag --debug when running snpe-net-run will dump the output of each layers. So it is possible to access this data. How to do it ?

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 2021-12-30 17:48

Dear customer,

You can specific the exeuction options with detailed for profiling_level and the option of __debug to enable all layer output in qnn-net-run. That method will get all the layer consumption after model exuected.



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Join Date: 13 Jun 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2022-01-03 01:33


Hi Wei,

I am using debug to get the layer outputs but I want to know if I want to access the layer output within the code itself.


1. Can I run multiple kernels within the same layer ?

For e.g. Run kernel 1 using inputs and write to a temporary cl_mem buffer. Then run kernel 2 using this temporary buffer as input and run kernel 2 and write to output buffer


2. Can I access the layer input and output data ?

When I use clEnqueueReadBuffer and clEnqueueWriteBuffer on the input / output buffer, I get errors / segfaults. Is there some limitation or something else to be done from my side

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