Forums - HTP graph cache error

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HTP graph cache error
Join Date: 17 Nov 21
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2021-12-20 10:11

Hey, All

I am trying to run yolov4_tiny.onnx on Qualcomm 835 DSP, I managed to convert the one to DLC (after changing some layers) without warning.

I some how can't quntisized the modle using : 

"snpe-dlc-quantize --input_dlc/yolov4_tiny.dlc  --input_list=input.txt  --output_dlc yolov4_tiny_quantized  --enable_htp --htp_socs sm8350 --use_enhanced_quantizer"

I got the following error : 

[ERROR] SNPE HTP Offline Prepare: Failed to generate QNN HTP graph cache.
[ERROR] SNPE HTP Offline Prepare: Could not generate cache record for VTCM size: 4MB, HTP subnet 0
[ERROR] SNPE HTP Offline Prepare: Failed to Generate Cache for Soc:SM8350
 When loading the net to the DSP I get the following error : 
"initializeFramework line: 148 error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. Failed to load network.  Error code: -6, Backend Error Code: 0.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=734; thread_id=499845184768; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=265; thread_id=512538494200 "
(I runed other networks on the DSP runtime option and they worked)
Also when using
snpe-dlc-info its seems like the DSP supports all the operations .
Im using SNPE 1.55


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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 2021-12-27 02:00

Dear customer,

Please remove the option of --htp_socs sm8350 --use_enhanced_quantizer in your actual quantization flow and then retry it again.



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