Forums - Missing SNPE DSP dependent libraries:

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Missing SNPE DSP dependent libraries:
Join Date: 24 Jun 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2021-11-03 20:48


When I use SNPE C++ libs in my APK, I got a error and following error string from zdl::DlSystem::getLastErrorString():

error_code=908; error_message=DSP runtime communication error. Missing SNPE DSP dependent libraries:; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=866; thread_id=518643510608

This error only happen in APK, but on same phone(Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G/ One plus 7T HD 1900) snpe-net-run and my own native cpp project goes well, and snpe-net-run and my own  project passed zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::isRuntimeAvailable(runtime_t) == true, no error string got. located in system/lib or system/lib64.

Any help in solving this issue will be greatly appreciated.


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Join Date: 22 Nov 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 06:13


From your report, root cause could be untrusted apk has no access to dsp resources.

You can find helpful documents at about how to setup for untrusted apk.

DCN, KBA-180627141440

DCN, KBA-201102072419

As these 2 documents talks about DSP security configuration, they are restricted.

I am not sure you have access to the documents.

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