Forums - DSP utilization w/ SOC (QCS410)

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DSP utilization w/ SOC (QCS410)
Join Date: 11 Jun 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-08-10 16:30

Is it possible to monitor the DSP (and GPU) utilization (% load, memory usage, etc.) when running DNN models on a QCS410 using the Neural Processing SDK? The snapdragon profiler does not provide any DSP info (and does seem to work correctly with a QCS GPU). Can the Hexagon DSP SDK be of any help, and if so how? Thank you.

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Join Date: 23 May 18
Posts: 37
Posted: Tue, 2021-08-31 11:52

Hi mcordon1,


You can use sysMon DSP profiler which is part of HexagoneSDK for performing the DSP profiling.

You may find required compiled profiler binary for your device in tools/utils/sysmon/ path of HexagoneSDK.


Please go through sysMon usage for more details.

Hope this will resolve your problem.

Sahil Bandar
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