Forums - qti.aisw.converters.tensorflow.util.ConverterError

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Join Date: 10 Feb 21
Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 2021-05-27 02:49


I am tring to convert a model to a dlc container but keep getting the following:

qti.aisw.converters.tensorflow.util.ConverterError: build_layer failed with Exception ERROR_TF_LAYER_NO_INPUT_FOUND: Convolution layer conv_deconv_b6_longitude_latitude/efficientnet-b6/block2f_project_conv/Conv2D requires at least one input layer. in layer ConvolutionLayerBuilder

Why would this be and how could I resolve it?

I have read the following:

The reason for the issue is that there is a reshape operation being applied to weights (introduced by tf.layer.dense API). The converter misinterprets it as part of the model execution and hence tries to convert to a layer which it can't since there are no input layers to it.
You can use reshape(tf.reshape API) between a convolution and fully connected to flatten the tensor and it will work fine.
Reshape operations to reshape weights are not supported and SNPE fails to convert as it thinks you have a reshape layer in the model which is related to weights and not to the graph computation.We don't currently support tf.layers.dense. It transforms weights and biases in a way that is not currently supported.
I tried using tflearn.layers.fully_connected API in your example and that will work although be aware we don't currently support batchThe issue here is that there is a reshape operation being applied to wheights (introduced by tf.layer.dense API) and the converter missinterprets it as part of the model execution and hence tries to convert to a layer which it can't since there are no input layers to it.
You can use reshape between a convolution and fully connected to flatten the tensor and it will work fine.



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Join Date: 21 Nov 16
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2021-06-21 20:53


We can get information from the file lodated snpe-

qti.aisw.converters.tensorflow.util.ConverterError: build_layer failed with Exception ERROR_TF_LAYER_NO_INPUT_FOUND: Convolution layer conv_deconv_b6_longitude_latitude/efficientnet-b6/block2f_project_conv/Conv2D requires at least one input layer. in layer ConvolutionLayerBuilder

I think we may double check the inputs of Convolution layer conv_deconv_b6_longitude_latitude/efficientnet-b6/block2f_project_conv/Conv2D

Or test this convolution layer in a model to confirm whether it runs normally.



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