Forums - Couldn't initialize Htp Offline Prepare Backend

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Couldn't initialize Htp Offline Prepare Backend
Join Date: 20 Dec 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2021-02-27 23:48

Hello, I am trying to run

snpe-dlc-quantize --input_dlc inception_v3.dlc  --input_list /home/snpe-  --output_dlc inception_v3_quantized.dlc --enable_htp   

Error report due to using   --enable_htp 

[INFO] Writing quantized model to: inception_v3_quantized.dlc
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnBackend_initialize : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnBackend_initialize
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnBackend_initialize
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnBackend_terminate : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnBackend_terminate
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnBackend_terminate


Couldn't initialize Htp Offline Prepare Backend

I do not understand why this error is happening or how to fix it. Any help or insight would be greatly apprectiate




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Join Date: 4 Mar 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2021-03-04 06:08

got the save problem trying to quatify a dlc (transferred from onnx) with '--enable_htp'

snpe version==

it runs fine without '--enable_htp' but once added it crushed

then i tried '--enable_hta' and it crushed too, with outputs :

Quantization not specified in DLC
Quantization not specified in DLC
[INFO] Blob ID:2
[ERROR] Automatic partitioning failed. Error code: 8
[INFO] Writing quantized model to: ./int8_net_alt0.dlc
[INFO] Compiling HTA metadata into DLC.
[ERROR] Layer output_1 doesn't exist in the network.
[ERROR] Invalid output layers specified.
[ERROR] Initial setup failed.
[ERROR] Couldn't compile HTA metadata into DLC.

does any one get a solution? thanks very much !

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Join Date: 19 Aug 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2021-10-13 23:58

The same ERROR reported when using --enable_htp.


I checked the dependencies once again, and installed the libc++-9-dev using: sudo apt-get install libc++-9-dev=1:9-2~ubuntu18.04.2. 

As a result, the error disappeared.



I also installed the clang: sudo apt-get install clang

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Join Date: 30 Jun 21
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2022-04-11 19:04

I faced the similar issue - carsh after enabling --enable-hta function. Turned out that snpe-dlc-quantize was trying to load symbol from library that is not in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

1) Search which library has the symbol and it's path

user@ubuntu:~/work/snpe-$ grep -r QnnInterface_getProviders *
Binary file bin/x86_64-linux-clang/snpe-dlc-quantize matches
Binary file lib/dsp/ matches
Binary file lib/x86_64-linux-clang/ matches

user@ubuntu:$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SNPE_ROOT/lib/x86_64-linux-clang/


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Join Date: 23 Feb 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2022-07-29 23:58

I am facing the same issue. The path to HTP backends are set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I am using SNPE-1.54. Please see the logs below:

[INFO] Writing quantized model to:
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnBackend_initialize : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnBackend_initialize
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnBackend_initialize
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnBackend_terminate : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnBackend_terminate
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnBackend_terminate
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnBackend_registerOpPackage : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnBackend_registerOpPackage
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnBackend_registerOpPackage
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnBackend_getPerfInfrastructure : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnBackend_getPerfInfrastructure
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnBackend_getPerfInfrastructure
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnContext_create : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnContext_create
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnContext_create
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnContext_free : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnContext_free
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnContext_free
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnContext_getBinarySize : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnContext_getBinarySize
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnContext_getBinarySize
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnContext_getBinary : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnContext_getBinary
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnContext_getBinary
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnContext_createFromBinary : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnContext_createFromBinary
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnContext_createFromBinary
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnContext_setConfig : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnContext_setConfig
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnContext_setConfig
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnGraph_create : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnGraph_create
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnGraph_create
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnGraph_addNode : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnGraph_addNode
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnGraph_addNode
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnGraph_finalize : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnGraph_finalize
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnGraph_finalize
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnGraph_execute : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnGraph_execute
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnGraph_execute
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnGraph_retrieve : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnGraph_retrieve
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnGraph_retrieve
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnProfile_create : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnProfile_create
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnProfile_create
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnProfile_getEvents : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnProfile_getEvents
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnProfile_getEvents
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnProfile_getSubEvents : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnProfile_getSubEvents
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnProfile_getSubEvents
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnProfile_getEventData : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnProfile_getEventData
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnProfile_getEventData
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnTensor_createContextTensor : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnTensor_createContextTensor
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnTensor_createContextTensor
[ERROR] SnpeQnnController::Load Cannot load symbol QnnTensor_createGraphTensor : snpe-dlc-quantize: undefined symbol: QnnTensor_createGraphTensor
[ERROR] Unable to loadQnnFunction QnnTensor_createGraphTensor
[ERROR] Couldn't initialize Htp Offline Prepare Backend.
[INFO] DebugLog shutting down.
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