Forums - Android 10, ADSP, and .so permissions failures

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Android 10, ADSP, and .so permissions failures
Join Date: 9 Apr 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2021-01-21 12:15

Using NP SDK 1.36, Android Studio 3.6 in August 2020, I was able to build and execute machine learning code using NDK with a custom-written JNI, by setting ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH exactly as per the instructions at (section "For Android APKs").

Using NP SDK 1.36, Android Studio 4.0 today, testing on a Samsung A70 and a Samsung S8, it seems that the DSP .so libs expect to be able to spawn command shells and such, and it fails. My hypothesis is that as per, untrusted apps can no longer execute code out of the native library dir (that is only my best guess at this point).

In my JNI layer, I can execute zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::getLibraryVersion() no problem, which means is loaded and aceessible. However, even after setting ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH as per the Qualcomm recommended method, the call to zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::isRuntimeAvailable(zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::DSPcreates a litany of logcat spew in my unit tests (and returns false) (see below)

I do not use the snpe-release.aar package because our application is native code, we expose our native APIs to Java via JNI.

Is there a way to have our native depend on and all the SNPE DSP libs, while using snpe-release.aar and platform-validator.aar to deliver the SNPE so files, or is that a recipe for disaster?

Any concrete guidance welcome.

Logcat when running on Samsung A70 with Android 10 (Snapdragon 675):

22 02:44:26.019  9122  9251 D ai.wrnch.api.CJniLayerSnpeInstrumentedTest: In doThisBefore...
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D ai.wrnch.api.CJniLayerSnpeInstrumentedTest: Files found in nativeLibraryDir:
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D ai.wrnch.api.CJniLayerSnpeInstrumentedTest: Files size: 13
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.022  9122  9251 D Files   :
01-22 02:44:26.064  9122  9251 D ai.wrnch.api.CJniLayerSnpeInstrumentedTest: SNPE Library version is
01-22 02:44:26.066  9122  9251 W ai.wrnch.api.test: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file fastrpc_shell_3. (Permission denied)
01-22 02:44:26.066  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0xd: open_shell failed for domain 3
01-22 02:44:26.095  9122  9251 I ai.wrnch.api.test: Successfully created user PD on domain 3 (attrs 0x1, debug_trace 0x1)
01-22 02:44:26.095  9122  9251 I ai.wrnch.api.test: fastrpc_perf_init: enabled RPC traces (kernel 0, dsp 0) with frequency 1000
01-22 02:44:26.106  9122  9336 W ai.wrnch.api.test: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file (Permission denied)
01-22 02:44:26.107  9122  9336 W ai.wrnch.api.test: vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:749: Warning: fopen returned 0xd for file (Permission denied)
01-22 02:44:26.112  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle_open_domain: dynamic loading failed for file:/// on domain 3 (dlerror segment 0 failed signature verification (0xF4 B) for
01-22 02:44:26.112  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle64_open failed for file:///
01-22 02:44:26.112  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: verify_local_handle failed. handle 0x0
01-22 02:44:26.112  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: get_domain_from_handle failed. handle 0x0
01-22 02:44:26.112  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: remote_handle64_invoke failed for handle 0x0, method 7 on domain 3 (sc 0x7020200)
01-22 02:44:26.118  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle_open_domain: dynamic loading failed for file:/// on domain 3 (dlerror segment 0 failed signature verification (0xF4 B) for
01-22 02:44:26.118  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle64_open failed for file:///
01-22 02:44:26.118  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: verify_local_handle failed. handle 0x0
01-22 02:44:26.118  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: get_domain_from_handle failed. handle 0x0
01-22 02:44:26.118  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: remote_handle64_invoke failed for handle 0x0, method 7 on domain 3 (sc 0x7020200)
01-22 02:44:26.123  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle_open_domain: dynamic loading failed for file:/// on domain 3 (dlerror segment 0 failed signature verification (0xF4 B) for
01-22 02:44:26.123  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x80000406: remote_handle64_open failed for file:///
01-22 02:44:26.123  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: verify_local_handle failed. handle 0x0
01-22 02:44:26.123  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: get_domain_from_handle failed. handle 0x0
01-22 02:44:26.123  9122  9251 E ai.wrnch.api.test: Error 0x1d: remote_handle64_invoke failed for handle 0x0, method 7 on domain 3 (sc 0x7020200)



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Join Date: 5 Sep 22
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2023-04-17 23:50

any update about this one?

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 2023-04-21 06:33

Dear developer,

You might need to add permission of to your Mainifest.xml to recoginze by SELinux.




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Join Date: 5 Sep 22
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2023-04-24 01:06

Thank you for your reply. 
Can you further explain your answer?

i linked to from native cmake, but still getting

vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:2058: Error: Device node open failed for domain 3 (errno Permission denied)
vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1329: Error 0x3b: remote_get_info failed to get dsp attribute 1 for domain 3
vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1481: Error 0x3b: remote_handle_control_domain failed for request ID 2 on domain 3
vendor/qcom/proprietary/commonsys-intf/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1492: Error 0x3b: remote_handle_control failed for request ID 2
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