Forums - Okta with Passport.js or not?

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Okta with Passport.js or not?
Join Date: 26 Nov 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2020-12-03 05:38

I was looking into improving my sing-up and login workflows and I looked into Okta.

At the moment we are using passport with our custom database and customs strategies and sessions remote storage. It seems like Okta can be used on its own. I did find some custom libraries online to use it with Passport.js. I don't see why you would tough.

Anyone has any experience with Okta and any opinion on why you would use it with passport ?

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Join Date: 21 Apr 21
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Posted: Wed, 2021-04-21 04:51
Hi Navya,
If you want to use Okta with Workflows, First you need to Learn integration Okta Training with Passport js. Apart from this, you can hire a skilled okta developer to do work for you.
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Join Date: 12 Jan 23
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Posted: Thu, 2023-01-12 21:42

I'm not familiar with passport.js, but I tend to agree with you, with Okta you might not need it. Okta can handle most of the authentication, depending on how your app is developed you might need passport.

For example, if you are developing a SPA app or something that runs in serverless environment, you could use a Bearer token from Oauth. If your app is older, you might need something to persist the session. So, maybe that is what passport does for ya.

Okta is about to release self service registration, which after email confirmation, or registration will create a Users Session.

Don't know if that helps.








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Join Date: 6 Feb 23
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Posted: Mon, 2023-02-06 09:48

Whether to use Okta with Passport.js or not depends on the requirements and constraints of your application.

If you need a flexible and scalable authentication solution that can handle user management, Single Sign-On (SSO), and secure access to APIs, using Okta with Passport.js can be a good choice. Okta provides a comprehensive identity management platform, and Passport.js is a popular middleware for handling authentication in Node.js applications. Integrating the two allows you to leverage Okta's features for user management and SSO, while Passport.js handles the underlying details of authentication such as serializing and deserializing user information.

On the other hand, if you have specific requirements for authentication that are not met by Okta or if you want to have more control over the authentication process, you may choose to implement authentication from scratch using Passport.js.

In either case, it is important to carefully consider the security implications of your authentication strategy and implement it correctly to protect sensitive user data.


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Join Date: 25 Apr 23
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Posted: Tue, 2023-04-25 02:07
Okta and Passport.js can both be used for authentication in a Node.js application, but they serve different purposes.
Okta is a cloud-based identity management platform that provides authentication, authorization, and user management services. It supports multiple authentication protocols such as OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and SAML. Okta can be used as a standalone solution or can be integrated with other identity providers.
Passport.js, on the other hand, is a middleware for Node.js that provides a simple, modular way to handle authentication. It supports over 500 authentication strategies, including local authentication (using email and password), social authentication (using OAuth providers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter), and more.
If you choose to use Okta for authentication, you can integrate it with Passport.js to handle the actual authentication flow. Passport.js provides a flexible way to configure and use Okta authentication strategies.
However, if you don't need the additional features provided by Okta, you can use Passport.js as a standalone solution for handling authentication in your Node.js application.
In summary, whether to use Okta with Passport.js or not depends on your specific requirements and the features you need for your authentication solution.
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