Forums - ONNX to DLC error

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ONNX to DLC error
Join Date: 3 Nov 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2020-11-13 20:09

Hi All,

When i try to convert ONNX (ops version 11)to *.DLC format, i faced below error:

"WARNING_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_ONNX: Unable to register converter supported Operation [ScaledTanh:Version 1] with your Onnx installation. Got: No schema registered for 'ScaledTanh'!. Converter will bail if Model contains this Op.
WARNING_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_ONNX: Unable to register converter supported Operation [ScaledTanh:Version 6] with your Onnx installation. Got: No schema registered for 'ScaledTanh'!. Converter will bail if Model contains this Op.
2020-11-14 10:42:55,724 - 182 - WARNING - WARNING_STATIC_SHAPE: Only static shape ops is supported, interpreted at conversion time Shape_0
2020-11-14 10:42:55,724 - 182 - WARNING - WARNING_OP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: Operation Constant Not Supported. Expected operator version: [1], instead got version: [11]
2020-11-14 10:42:55,725 - 182 - WARNING - WARNING_OP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: Operation Gather Not Supported. Expected operator version: [1], instead got version: [11]"

I cannot reduce ops version = 1, because my original pytorch model will not convert to ONNX sucessful.

Can anyone help to passthrought this isssue?

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Join Date: 20 Apr 20
Posts: 21
Posted: Tue, 2021-02-16 01:26

I got few warnings while converting my ONNX model (originally in pytorch) to DLC. But the model gave proper results on running snpe-net-run. In your case, did the conversion succeed or it just gave warnings?

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