Forums - SNPE UDO Threding

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SNPE UDO Threding
Join Date: 2 Apr 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2020-09-03 17:19



I did snpe inception-v3 UDO tutorial and I confirmed that inception-v3 worked on the DSP.

And in example code, it set the function(function name is worker_thread_Softmax) where to work on the DSP.

This function is defined as below.

  - typedef void (*udoRunWorkerThreads_t) (void* perOpInfrastructure, uint32_t nThreads, workerThread_t w, void* userData);


If set the nThread to 2, it seems to working on 2 threads, but I don't know how get the thread ID(0 or 1).

Does anyone know ?

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Join Date: 24 Sep 20
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2020-09-27 13:15


Did you simply follow the instructions to get it to work? I am getting errors when trying. Can you share which version of SNPE you were using please?



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